The Mission Statement for Harmony At Home is:
“Harmony At Home strives to end the cycles of violence and abuse by empowering children, young adults, and their families with the skills and confidence to lead healthy, productive lives.”
President/CEO, Julianne Leavy, worked for a number of years developing and managing domestic violence and children’s programs. During this time she found two key problems that chronically affected the quality of the programs:
- Lack of stability in funding sources.
- Lack of effective oversight/quality control and management of programs.

Harmony At Home’s role is to provide programs, oversight, and management of the programs we provide. Our goal is to ensure the programs’ long-term sustainability while maintaining quality control and continuity of services. The responsibility that Harmony At Home has to its donors is accountability for maintaining the integrity of the donor’s intentions.
Harmony At Home is a California non-profit corporation, which is tax exempt under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(). We seek your help in core funding, as well as in building an endowment that will sustain the agency’s work into the future. We welcome planned giving arrangements involving bequests, trusts, annuities and retirement funds for making gifts to Harmony At Home. Contributions may be earmarked for a program of your choice and could provide tax savings to the donor. Please contact our agency if we can help with further information or assistance.