Donate below to make your tax-exempt donation using PayPal.

Support Harmony at Home with a monthly gift for one year.

Donating in Memory or Honor:

  1. Donate: Make your donation via PayPal.
  2. Email Us: After donating, email with your name, donation amount, and the name of the person you’re honoring or remembering.
  3. Confirmation: We’ll acknowledge your dedication and confirm via email. Thank you for supporting Harmony At Home!

90% of every dollar you donate goes directly to Harmony At Home programs. The remainder covers our administrative costs.

Every donation makes an impact:

Donate below to make your tax-exempt donation using PayPal.



Support Harmony at Home with a monthly gift for one year.

Sticks & Stones®

Children learn healthy ways to express their feelings, alternatives to violence, and how to stay safe in violent situations.

$650 – Provides a complete 10-week Sticks and Stones® program of group counseling for 3-5 children.

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Bullying Prevention

We are reducing existing bullying problems among students, preventing the development of new bullying problems, and achieving better peer relationships in schools.

$1,700 – Supports a whole school community with a student-led bullying prevention assembly.

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Family First

Teen Success provides programming to help teen mothers to graduate high school, develop strong parenting skills to nurture their child’s positive development, and build the life skills necessary to achieve their full potential in school, as parents, and in life.

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Community Enrichment Programs

$3,500 – Sponsors a youth for year-round social and emotional health supports.

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Children 1st

$250 Scholarship – Support a family through separation or divorce; classes for parents and children that help them with communication and the changes they are going through as a family.

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Community Counseling

Our focus is to provide our community with accessible resources in order to improve family dynamics. We offer counseling at various sites through out the county.

$325 – Supports five sessions of counseling for an individual, couple, or family.

Every donation makes a difference in improving the life of a child that is impacted by violence and trauma. Your contribution funds programs that help children and families communicate in healthy, non-violent ways. This furthers Harmony At Home’s mission by breaking dysfunctional family patterns and promoting healthier family systems, now and in the future.

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Planned Giving

You can support Harmony At Home by including a gift to the organization in your estate plan.

Some of the benefits to you of planned giving include:

  • the ability to make a larger charitable gift than you thought possible
  • income and/or estate tax savings through charitable deductions
  • increased spendable income through the use of a charitable trust
  • a legacy that can be left without giving up any assets during your lifetime

As a donor, you are in complete control of your gift. You can designate it with a specific purpose in mind, or leave your gift unrestricted to be applied in the areas of greatest need. A charitable bequest is simple – just a sentence in your will or trust is all that is needed. It is flexible – with most planned giving techniques, you can change your mind at any time. It is tax-deductible – when you make a gift to Harmony At Home, you will receive a deduction for estate or income tax purposes.

You can specify a monetary gift, designate a percentage of your total estate, or give that portion of your estate that remains after all other bequests are satisfied. There are also other ways to give, including:

  • a gift of life insurance
  • a charitable gift annuity
  • a charitable trust
  • a gift of a residence with a retained life estate
  • a gift of an IRA account or other retirement asset

If you would like to discuss the options for making a planned gift to Harmony At Home, please consult with your estate planning attorney, or contact Leslie E. Finnegan (831) 373-3622. Although we cannot prepare a document for you, we can answer questions and assist you and your attorney with suggested language.

The staff at Harmony At Home deeply appreciate your support.